Eruption and itching on the body

Water like Love Ask on April 18, 2024 09:10:03
Recommended answer

Erythema and itching may occur on the body as follows: 1. Erythema multiforme. It is mainly edematous erythema, and the surface can appear iris phenomenon, accompanied by a sense of itching. Lydesloratadine capsules can be taken orally, once a day, one capsule a time, combined with compound glycyrrhizin capsules, three times a day, two capsules a time. Desonide ointment, 1:1 mixed with zinc oxide borate ointment, was applied twice a day for treatment. 2. Urticaria. Erythema such as wheal appears, and there is a phenomenon of skin scratch, accompanied by certain itching. You can take Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets orally, three times a day, one tablet at a time, combined with Avastine capsules, three times a day, one tablet at a time for treatment. You can also use calamine lotion externally. While treating the above two diseases, it is necessary to avoid alcohol, spicy and stimulating food, cattle, mutton, seafood and other hair products.

Water like Love 2024-04-22 12:01:31

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