Efficacy and function of Fructus Aurantii

Bright Sword Ask on 2024-05-19 03:15:21
Recommended answer

Fructus Aurantii has the same function as Fructus Aurantii, but its strength is not as strong as Fructus Aurantii, its function is mild, and its main function is to promote qi and relieve swelling. It is bitter in taste and warm in nature. It belongs to the spleen and stomach meridian, has the function of promoting qi and expelling phlegm, dispersing qi and eliminating ruffians. It can be used for stomach congestion caused by stagnation of qi due to dampness due to spleen deficiency. It can be used in combination with atractylodes macrocephala to strengthen the spleen and eliminate ruffians. Those with ruffians under the heart are often used in combination with fructus trichosanthis, coptis chinensis, etc., such as Xiaoxianxiong plus Zhishi decoction. This product can also dissipate the accumulation and eliminate the swelling. It can be used with rhubarb and magnolia officinalis, such as Xiaochengqi Decoction, for those with abdominal distension caused by heat and constipation. It can also be used for prolapse of uterus and prolapse of anus due to qi deficiency. It is often used in combination with astragalus, codonopsis, atractylodes macrocephala, etc.

Bright Sword 2024-05-20 11:31:07

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