How to eat meat healthily? The more fragrant the meat, the higher the fat content

Also elegant Ask on 22:47:04, 2024-06-22
Recommended answer

Before thawing meat, it is better to take the meat out of the freezer one day in advance and put it in the refrigerator. Thawing in this way has many advantages. First of all, in terms of safety, it avoids the problem of a large number of microorganisms on the food surface during thawing.

The more fragrant the meat, the higher the fat content. - What is healthy meat?

How to eat meat healthily?

The redder the raw meat, the higher the heme iron content.

The presence of heme (which contains iron ions) makes many meat red. Therefore, lean meat is a good source of iron. The redder the meat, the more heme iron in it, and the better the effect of iron supplementation. For example, light red pork has less iron content than bright red beef and mutton. It should be noted that although the raw meat is red, it will naturally become brown or light brown after heating, while the meat with nitrite is also pink after cooking, with bright color and uniform color inside and outside. Adding soy sauce or red koji can also make cooked meat red, but their color is only on the surface. Nitrite will not only hinder the absorption of normal nutrients, but also cause cancer risk.

The sour meat can't be placed in the freezer, otherwise the benefits will be greatly discounted.

Acid removing meat, also called acid removing cooled meat or acid removing refrigerated meat, refers to raw meat that is kept at 0 ℃~4 ℃ during the process of segmentation, bone removal, packaging, processing, transportation, and sales until it enters the consumer's refrigerator or kitchen. Compared with ordinary fresh meat, the sour meat is delicate, juicy and delicious, and its nutrition has been retained to the maximum extent. Sour meat can not be stored frozen, because freezing will cause fresh meat shrinkage, and some water-soluble nutrients will also be reduced accordingly, even leading to some flavor substances flowing away, and the taste will decline. Sour meat should be bought and eaten immediately, and those that cannot be eaten should be kept in the refrigerator and eaten in two or three days as far as possible.

The meat should be put into the refrigerator before thawing to help retain nutrition and taste.

Before thawing meat, it is better to take the meat out of the freezer one day in advance and put it in the refrigerator. Thawing in this way has many advantages. First of all, in terms of safety, it avoids the problem of a large number of microorganisms on the food surface during thawing; Secondly, this thawing method helps to retain the nutrients in food; Thirdly, in terms of taste, defrosting in the refrigerator can well retain the delicious substances in food; Finally, the protein after thawing in the cold storage room can also remain soft and tender at low temperature, without the problem of dry and hard meat.

The more fragrant the meat, the higher the fat content.

Generally speaking, the more delicious the meat is, the higher the fat content is. Because most of the flavor substances are "contained" in fat, and enough fat can give the meat a soft and juicy taste. For example, the most popular pork, the fat content is more than 60%. And the ribs and duck meat, which are regarded as the "model" of low fat, also have a lot of oil content. According to the data in the Chinese Food Composition Table, the fat content of 100g pork chops is 23.1g, and that of duck meat is 19.7g. In particular, the fat content of roast duck is as high as 40%.

Also elegant 2024-06-24 11:12:13

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