What is the cause of high blood pressure

Yichuan Tobacco Ask questions on May 23, 2024-00:35:10
Recommended answer

Hypertension is a chronic disease with a long illness and requires lifelong regular medication. At present, blood pressure is divided into primary hypertension and secondary hypertension in clinical practice. There are many reasons for the formation of hypertension, such as heredity, obesity, slow blood flow, cerebrovascular disease, kidney disease, heart disease, eye disease and diet environment, as well as high sugar patients, Because the digestive system is too excited, there will be a certain amount of blood circulation blockage in the stomach and intestines, which will lead to high blood pressure. When lowering blood pressure, it also needs to reduce blood fat. If the blood circulation reaches the flow, the effect of reducing blood pressure will be good. In short, most of the high blood pressure can not be clear which disease causes it.

Yichuan Tobacco 2024-05-27 10:38:32

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