What to do with mild cirrhosis

Spring wind Ask questions on April 23, 2024-48:02
Recommended answer

Mild cirrhosis should be treated comprehensively to eliminate pathogenic factors and fight liver fibrosis. Cirrhosis is not an independent disease, but the pathological state of a disease. It can be further divided into mild cirrhosis and severe cirrhosis according to the severity of the disease. The so-called mild cirrhosis is not a medical term, but can be understood as compensated cirrhosis. The liver function is within the compensatory period, and there are no serious complications. If timely and regular treatment can be carried out at this time, the prognosis of the disease can be effectively improved, including the elimination of pathogenic factors. In case of hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection, antiviral treatment should be carried out. If it is alcoholic cirrhosis, it is necessary to give up drinking in time, and actively give liver protection, anti inflammation, anti fibrosis, symptomatic support and other treatments. Mild cirrhosis can be effectively reversed. If the disease progresses further, it may develop into decompensated cirrhosis, leading to a variety of serious complications.

Spring wind 2024-04-28 18:02:04

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