The best medicine for treating cerebral thrombosis

Rain in early summer Ask questions on May 16, 2024-18:38:10
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Among the drugs for the treatment of cerebral thrombosis, the specific drugs mainly include anti platelet aggregation drugs, mainly aspirin and clopidogrel, which are commonly used clinically. If the patient considers that it is cardiogenic cerebral embolism, anticoagulation treatment should be applied generally. The commonly used drugs in clinic are heparin, low molecular weight heparin and warfarin; If the patient is considered to be in a super early stage, for example, the onset time is within 6 hours, there are thrombolysis indications and no contraindications, the commonly used drugs for intravenous thrombolysis treatment include alteplase and urokinase.

Rain in early summer 2024-05-20 11:38:02

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