Pregnant women and children should avoid eating crab roe and crab paste

Green silk to white hair Ask on 2024-06-22 08:59:08
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Eating crabs, gourmands like plump crab roe and crab paste best. However, such superior delicacies have been listed as unfit for eating by the New York Health Bureau of the United States on the grounds of excessive chemical residues. The reason is that fat soluble carcinogens such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), dioxin and cadmium may accumulate. Domestic toxicologists said that the above concerns were true, and long-term exposure to cadmium, dioxin and other chemicals would increase the risk of cancer.

According to the US "Overseas Chinese News", the New York City Health Bureau recently made a special trip to the Chinese community to educate residents about the health and safety of eating crabs and fish, emphasizing that the crab roe and crab paste that Chinese like to eat are prone to residual cadmium, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxin; The soup after cooking crabs can no longer be used to cook soup or stew meat, because 80% of PCBs will remain in the soup, which is quite harmful to children and fetuses.

Animal viscera and fat are easy to accumulate environmental hormones

According to the opinion of the New York City Health Bureau, Yan Zonghai, the chief physician of the clinical toxicology department of the Department of Nephrology of Lin Kou Changgeng, also held the same opinion. He pointed out that the viscera and adipose tissue of seafood and meat were indeed prone to residual cadmium, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin and other environmental hormones. Long term exposure to these heavy metals and chemicals would increase the risk of infertility, fetal malformation, and cancer.

Environmental hormones affect endocrine carcinogenic risk

What are environmental hormones? Environmental hormone is a variety of foreign chemicals that can interfere with the endocrine function and metabolic function of the human body, including polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. Cadmium is also suspected to be one of the environmental hormones. Whether inhaled or eaten, environmental hormones will affect the endocrine performance of organisms and may cause cancer.

Pregnant women should avoid pregnancy and teratogenesis caused by fear of environmental hormones

Taking the three chemicals mentioned by the New York City Health Bureau as examples, Dr. Yan Zonghai pointed out that cadmium, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxin are all first class carcinogens recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), which will increase the risk of cancer. In addition, many studies have found that cadmium has reproductive toxicity, which may cause infertility; Excessive polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxin will also affect reproductive capacity and embryonic development, and increase the probability of infertility, miscarriage and fetal malformation.

Therefore, Dr. Yan Zonghai reminded that pregnant women and infants should avoid eating crab roe and crab paste, so as not to affect the organ development of fetuses and infants. However, for ordinary people, crab roe and crab paste are not completely inedible, but it is recommended to reduce their intake.

Large fish easy to contain methylmercury affects children's intellectual development

Besides crabs, fish is the seafood that people often eat. Doctor Yan Zonghai also reminded that when eating fish, it is best to avoid eating fish skin, fat and viscera to reduce the chance of eating parasites and chemical residues. At the same time, it is recommended to eat less large fish at the top of the food chain, because large fish have a higher chance of containing neurotoxic methylmercury, and excessive accumulation may affect the brain development of the fetus and the intellectual development of children, so pregnant women and children should pay special attention.

Steaming replaces barbecue to avoid carcinogens

In addition, fish fat is prone to produce secondary carcinogens - cycloaromatic hydrocarbons under high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended that people replace high temperature cooking methods such as frying and barbecue with low temperature cooking methods such as boiling and steaming, which is healthier.

In fact, both crabs and fish are nutritious food. When people feast on delicious food, they should not forget to eat the right part, eat the right amount, and try to cook in a light way, so that they can eat seafood well. If you only care about your appetite, you will not only eat the nutrition of seafood, but also eat carcinogens!

Green silk to white hair 2024-06-24 11:28:10

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