What's wrong with weak positive urinary protein

Time passes Ask questions at 10:24:12 on April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

The urine protein of normal people should be negative in the results of routine urine examination. If the urine protein is weakly positive, it means that there is a small amount of protein in the urine. There are many reasons for a small amount of protein. The more common ones are chronic glomerulonephritis, early diabetes, and kidney disease; There are also infectious diseases, such as urinary tract infections and male prostate diseases, which can occur. If the urine protein is weakly positive after multiple examinations, it is recommended to go to the nephrology department of a regular hospital for further classification and quantification of proteinuria, as well as further examination of related blood sampling, to determine the cause of proteinuria, and to carry out corresponding treatment according to the cause.

Time passes 2024-04-22 11:53:56

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