How to treat patients with perianal eczema

A tree of crabapple Ask questions on May 11, 2024-13:16:49
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In fact, there are many clinical treatments for perianal eczema, such as drug treatment, acupuncture treatment, massage treatment, local block treatment, and surgery. Because the cause of perianal eczema is not clear and the pathogenesis is not particularly understood, there are many treatment methods, but sometimes it is effective to alleviate the symptoms of perianal eczema, but perianal eczema is a disease that is easy to recur, and it is anti recurrence. The method often used in clinical practice is actually drug treatment, which is also symptomatic treatment in general. The typical symptoms caused by perianal eczema are dampness, itching, and sometimes pain. Therefore, most of them take anti allergic drugs orally to relieve itching, or apply ointment containing glucocorticoid to relieve itching. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

A tree of crabapple 2024-05-13 11:13:46

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