What should be paid attention to in the middle of pregnancy?

Dark as dark green Ask questions on June 21, 2024-15:01:58
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Generally, in the middle of pregnancy, because of the increase in fetal size, women will have waist acid and other phenomena. Many pregnant women also become lazy and do not like to walk too much. Because the waist pain is especially severe, it is very uncomfortable. Of course, there are many things that women should pay attention to in the middle of pregnancy, so what should women pay attention to in the middle of pregnancy? I hope that through the introduction of the editor, you can understand something.

1、 Precautions for daily sitting, standing and walking

1. If a pregnant mother wants to sit with her whole hip in the center of the seat, don't just put half of her hip on the edge of the seat. After sitting down, gently twist the waist to adjust the body's center of gravity from the spine to the hips. In addition, the height of the table and chair should match. When you straighten your back, the table should be above the navel and below the room r. Tip: Choose a chair that suits you. It's not good if the chair is too high or too low. You should try to sit in with your back pressed against the backrest. In addition, the soft cushion that is easy to sink is tiring to sit up, so you should choose a harder one. You'd better put a small cushion behind your waist when you sit on the sofa.

2. When a pregnant mother wants to walk, she should look straight ahead with her eyes, straighten her spine, and put her weight on her heels, so that she can land from heel to toe gradually. When climbing stairs, in order to keep your spine straight, your upper body should lean forward. Look at the third to fourth steps above.

Tip: Instead of wearing high heels, choose light and soft low heels to reduce the burden on the lumbar spine.

2、 Precautions for housework

Cooking: Generally, the operating platform in the kitchen is relatively low, so you need to bend down when working. In order not to bend the waist and fatigue the neck, the pregnant mother can hold the console with her left hand to support her body and work with her right hand.

When ironing clothes:

1. Sitting position: adjust the ironing board height to a low position, with the height at your thigh. Don't bend over and iron your arms.

2. Standing posture: To maintain balance, put a foot pad under the ironing board. You can rest on your feet separately so that you can keep your body forward. However, we should also pay attention to rest and not keep one action for a long time.

When washing clothes:

1. If your washing machine is open on the top: put the laundry basket on the stool, almost the same height as the washing machine. Find two fulcrums on the washing machine: the legs are parallel and apart, the legs are slightly bent, so that the knees are against the body, the belly is against the edge of the washing machine, and the waist is slightly bent. Take the same posture when taking out clothes.

2. If your washing machine is open at the bottom: put the laundry basket on the ground, with one leg on the ground and the other leg bent at a right angle. Hold the door of the washing machine with one arm so that you don't have to bend over.

Dark as dark green 2024-06-24 11:30:37

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