What kind of food is helpful for removing stones

Peach Blossom Cheongsam Ask on 22:19:51, May 31, 2024
Recommended answer

Calculus is a common disease. Urinary and biliary system stones are more common. Some vegetables have a certain stone removing effect. Patients can eat more vegetables such as winter melon, agaric, leek, Chinese cabbage, radish, corn, mung bean sprouts, etc. These foods contain more vitamins and cellulose, which can promote bile excretion and diuresis, It can help discharge stones. However, the effect of food on stone removal is very weak. Patients should go to public hospitals and take drugs for stone dissolution and stone removal under the guidance of doctors. In serious cases, surgery may also be required. At ordinary times, you should take more physical exercise, eat light food, and then strengthen nutrition. Regular reexamination is OK.

Peach Blossom Cheongsam 2024-06-03 12:26:21

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