How to cause male urethritis

Drunken Camellia Ask on April 17, 2024 17:07:42
Recommended answer

There are many causes of male urethritis due to the unclean sex life of men, mainly including the following: First, it may be that men have unclean sex life, thus causing sexually transmitted diseases related urethritis. In addition, some men may have obstructive diseases such as urethral calculus, urethral stricture, urethral foreign bodies, which may cause urethritis. Some patients may also have urethritis because of long-term urinary catheterization, such as patients with long-term indwelling catheter. For male patients with urethritis, special attention should be paid to it. It is suggested to use sensitive antibiotics to treat infection in a regular hospital in a timely manner. At the same time, thorough treatment should be carried out according to the specific causes of urethritis, so as to avoid repeated attacks of urethritis.

Drunken Camellia 2024-04-22 11:59:58

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