What are the inspection items of fetus? What are the precautions

simple but elegant Ask questions on 2024-06-23 04:54:43
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During pregnancy, among the numerous pregnancy tests performed by female friends, fetal teratogenicity test is a common test performed by most families. What are the fetal teratogenicity test items?

Screening contents of orthodontic examination:

It is mainly to systematically observe the general structure of the fetal body surface and viscera. The malformations that can be diagnosed before delivery include severe craniocerebral malformations (anencephaly, severe hydrocephalus, hydrocephalus, severe encephalocele, and lobeless holoprosencephaly), severe lymphatic hygroma, single lumen heart, severe chest and abdominal wall loss, visceral ectropion, severe omphalocele, teratoma with a diameter of more than 5cm, fatal achondroplasia, severe open spina bifida, and femur, tibia, fibula Serious loss of humerus, pubis and radius.

Routine B-ultrasound inspection items:

Fetal position, biparietal diameter, occipitofrontal diameter, fetal movement, fetal heart rate, fetal heart rate, placental position, placental thickness, placental grading, etc.

Precautions for orthodontic removal inspection:

1. Make an appointment in advance, and choose the best time for color ultrasound to perform teratology around 18-24 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the fetus within this gestational week is moderate, and the ultrasound imaging is clear. At this time, most of the abnormalities can be excluded from the examination. Therefore, expectant mothers need to go to the hospital in advance to make an appointment so as not to miss the time. The pregnancy week is too small or too large for fetal malformation detection. However, according to the actual examination time of expectant mothers, there may be some differences.

2. No need to empty stomach and hold urine

There is no need to prepare for empty stomach and suffocating urine for teratology screening. As long as pregnant women go to the regular hospital for examination within the corresponding time, they can conduct fetal malformation screening. Half an hour before the color ultrasound for orthodontic treatment, expectant mothers can eat and drink some water, which can increase fetal movement.

3. Pay attention to clothes

Color ultrasound is used to check the intrauterine fetus, so it is better for expectant mothers to wear separate upper and lower clothes before going to the examination, which can facilitate the examination.

simple but elegant 2024-06-24 11:28:10

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