How to treat lower calyx stones

A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side Ask questions at 19:57:05, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of lower calyx stones should be determined according to the size of the stones. 1. If the stone is less than 2 cm, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy can be performed. At the same time, a stone row bed should be used to perform handstands, drink more water, urinate more, and do more jumping exercises to promote the excretion of stones in the lower kidney calices. 2. If the stone is larger than 2 cm, no matter what method of stone removal is used, the effect is not very good, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy is required. This method is mainly to make a passage at the waist, break the stones in the lower calyces of the kidney, and take out the body through the nephroscope. It can also be treated with ureteroscopic lithotripsy, with less damage. It is necessary to select appropriate treatment methods under the guidance of doctors. After the patient gets the stones, he needs to do the composition analysis of urinary stones to guide the future diet and drinking precautions.

A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side 2024-04-28 18:06:39

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