What to do if one nipple itches

Warm bosom before dawn Ask questions at 12:25:22 on April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

We need to find out the cause of nipple itching first, and then choose the method to stop the itching on one side of the nipple. The details are as follows: 1. nipple infection, for example, the nipple has not been cleaned for a long time, which leads to nipple fungus infection and itching. You can clean your nipples in time, change your underwear frequently, and apply antifungal drugs such as dactyline. 2. If the nipple is allergic due to contact with allergic substances, the nipple will be itchy, painful, red and swollen. It is necessary to replace the bra with good quality, and carry out drug allergy treatment, such as cetizine. 3. The nipples are pressed, the bra you wear is too tight, and the breast blood is not smooth. When you untie the bra, the nipples will itch and feel pain. You can choose a loose and comfortable bra. 4. Breast cancer patients will be accompanied by abnormal nipple sensation, which requires pathological examination, and then surgical excision of the breast and postoperative chemotherapy. And regular reexamination, late patients need chemotherapy.

Warm bosom before dawn 2024-04-28 18:10:37

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