What's the difference between tinnitus and brain ringing

Diamond Old Man Ask questions at 15:14:05, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

There are some differences between tinnitus and brain ringing. Brain ringing is mostly caused by mental factors such as excessive mental pressure, which is a functional disease. Tinnitus refers to the hearing organ, which is not stimulated by external sound, but feels abnormal sound, which is a disease of hearing disorder. Most of the patients with brain ringing have anxiety symptoms, as well as restlessness, panic, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and some patients also have neck stiffness and discomfort, which is usually caused by the head and neck muscle spasm caused by the lack of physical exercise, or the lack of blood supply caused by the compression of the neck blood vessels, and the patients can be relieved after rest. The causes of tinnitus are complicated, mainly due to emotional factors, fatigue, and hypoxia in the ear.

Diamond Old Man 2024-06-03 12:26:24

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