What are the symptoms of heart and kidney deficiency

Shanxiu Xiqing Ask questions on 2024-06-01 01:23:52
Recommended answer

Deficiency of both heart and kidney can lead to insomnia, dreaminess, memory decline, inability to concentrate, palpitations, weakness of waist and knee, fatigue, poor urination, impotence, premature ejaculation, irregular menstruation, etc. It is also necessary to analyze whether the deficiency of both heart and kidney is yin deficiency or yang deficiency. The deficiency of yin is more likely to cause five heart troubles, dry mouth and dry throat, hot flushes in the afternoon, red tongue and less fur; If Yang deficiency occurs, there will be a fear of cold, cold limbs, pale tongue and white fur. According to the specific symptoms, we can choose Jishengqi Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Tianwang Buxin Pill, Shiquan Dabu Pill and other drugs.

Shanxiu Xiqing 2024-06-03 12:38:27

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