Price of ginkgo leaves

Face the sun Ask questions on 2024-05-14 01:51:23
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The price of ginkgo biloba leaves varies with different manufacturers' specifications. For example, Yiheng's price is 0.1g × 24 pieces, which is 25 yuan a box, while Haiwang's price is about 20 yuan a box, and 12 pieces × 200 pieces, which is about 30 yuan a box. The overall price is between 20 and 30, so it is relatively cheap. The common people are more tolerant. Ginkgo biloba leaves have many effects. It can reduce cholesterol and alleviate atherosclerosis. It is very effective to use ginkgo leaves to soak in water. At the same time, Ginkgo biloba leaves can change the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels by acting on blood vessels, thus achieving the effect of lowering blood pressure. Ginkgo biloba leaves can assist in the treatment of diabetes. If diabetes is alleviated, it will help mental health. Ginkgo biloba leaves can alleviate the backache and backache during menstruation. Many female friends may have symptoms of low back pain during menstruation, which will directly affect everyone's life. Ginkgo biloba leaves can effectively alleviate the symptoms, and the price is very cheap, which is very suitable for public use.

Face the sun 2024-05-20 11:31:03

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