Vanity is not all bad

Solid world Ask questions on 2024-06-22 14:54:42
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Speaking of vanity, many people believe that vanity is not a good word. Even in life, vanity is mostly derogatory. So, is vanity bad? But in fact, although vanity is not worth advocating most of the time, sometimes it is not good without vanity.

Of course, vanity and sense of honor are not the same, but it is difficult for anyone to distinguish them completely. There is a broad and vague transition zone between the two. When vanity is satisfied, it will produce a sense of honor, which is different in time. Sometimes vanity is actually a person's eagerness to get honor. These two words also have different subjective colors. Subjectively, a person feels that he should be outstanding and enterprising, and stand out among a group of people. In his own eyes, this is a desire, a matter of course, but in the eyes of others, it is his vanity. Generally speaking, it is a good thing to be seen by others as vanity and publicity. For example, the love of beauty and dressing up is originally the expression of love for life. However, in the past, people who love beauty, especially girls, were often attacked by conservative people when they would dress up.

In our daily life, we will always realize the existence of strong vanity of ourselves and others. Without vanity, human life is another picture. Vanity is an important factor regulating people's feelings and hearts. It is impossible to blindly emphasize overcoming it. Sometimes it is really necessary to overcome vanity, but sometimes it is better to satisfy yourself or others. The ancient philosophy of China emphasizes that when things reach their limit, they will turn against each other. Therefore, vanity should not be excessive. We should have a proper attitude. Especially young people, vanity is too strong. Such a life will inevitably feel very tired.

In today's society, the economy is booming, the contacts between all sectors of society have been strengthened unprecedentedly, and interpersonal communication is very frequent. Young people, in particular, are the main force of social activities. In various social activities, vanity is an element. In order to be respectable, all parties involved in communication have more or less vanity. Controlling the most vanity and taking care of others' vanity are issues that should be considered for social success. To many people, vanity satisfaction is also one of the main pillars of life.

Excess vanity is bad for everyone's mental health, so in life, everyone should also pay attention to their own mental health, not too much vanity. But it is impossible for a person to have no vanity at all, so we should also treat vanity correctly, which is correct.

Solid world 2024-06-24 11:22:30

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