Does Dermatitis Smoothing Face Have Side Effects

Forgetting is like thinking Ask questions at 16:40:29, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Piyanping belongs to glucocorticoid drugs, which can be used on the face for no more than 7 days. At the same time, it must be used under the guidance of a doctor, and it cannot be used by itself. Long term local use of glucocorticoid on the face will lead to facial skin atrophy, pigmentation, hirsutism, acne, local capillary expansion, and epidermal atrophy, It can also cause secondary bacterial infection. It is not recommended to use glucocorticoid drugs on the face for a long time. In case of skin rash on the face, it is necessary to seek medical advice in time. It is better to give drugs without glucocorticoid, such as butylhydroxylate cream. If glucocorticoid drugs are needed for severe skin rash, weak glucocorticoid, such as hydrocortisone cream, can be used, but it should be noted that it should not exceed 7 days.

Forgetting is like thinking 2024-06-03 12:30:43

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