What to eat for cerebral thrombosis, hypertension

Put a cup of tea and make it light in the morning Ask on 2024-05-28 02:27:11
Recommended answer

Patients with cerebral thrombosis and hypertension should eat a light and low salt diet. You need to eat more fresh seasonal vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, winter melon, cucumber, etc. If the patient's blood sugar is normal, he should also eat more fresh seasonal fruits, such as apples, kiwi fruits, strawberries, etc. If the patient has diabetes at the same time, it is suggested that under the premise of ideal blood sugar control, he/she can eat some fruits with low sugar content between meals. Patients need to limit cholesterol, fat intake, and dietary fiber intake. They can choose some coarse grains as staple foods, such as corn and buckwheat. Cerebral thrombosis is the most common type of cerebral infarction, and patients should also take oral medicine in strict accordance with the doctor's advice and return to the specialist clinic regularly.

Put a cup of tea and make it light in the morning 2024-06-03 12:30:43

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