What's the matter with a dizzy head

Lily sprouts new branches again Ask questions at 05:49:31, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The symptoms of dizziness in the brain are also common in clinical practice. For example, because of staying up late and poor sleep, the next day there will be a feeling of dizziness. It is considered that it is caused by brain fatigue, and the patient's brain blood supply is insufficient, which will lead to chronic cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, and the patient will also show a feeling of dizziness and unconsciousness. There is also high blood fat. The blood is in a state of high fat and high viscosity, which will also affect the blood flow speed of the brain. The patients will show the symptoms of dizziness and heaviness. Patients with high fat and viscosity are prone to increase cerebral hypoxia after eating or having a full meal, and will show frequent yawning and other symptoms. In view of this situation, the patient must go to the hospital for blood lipid, blood rheology and color Doppler ultrasound examination of intracranial vessels. For the symptoms of high blood fat, high viscosity, and insufficient cerebral blood supply, drugs can be given to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, improve circulation, and improve the symptoms of dizziness. Ginkgo biloba leaves can be taken orally, as well as Xuesaitong tablets to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Lily sprouts new branches again 2024-04-28 18:00:15

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