Usage of miconazole nitrate soft capsules

Warm bosom before dawn Ask questions at 01:53:19, May 12, 2024
Recommended answer

Miconazole nitrate is an antifungal drug. It is used to clean the vagina and vulva before going to bed every night. It is OK to put one tablet deep in the vagina with a fingertip. After using the drug, it is better not to get up and move, because the drug flows out of the vagina due to gravity after getting up, which will affect the treatment effect, The main disease it treats is mycotic vaginitis. Generally, 7 days is a course of treatment. During the use, some women may have vaginal burning and slight itching, which are normal and do not need to stop taking the medicine. During the use of the medicine, they cannot have sex because it may affect the treatment effect. In addition, the disease is not completely cured, During sexual intercourse, the man will also be infected, so please pay attention.

Warm bosom before dawn 2024-05-13 11:08:28

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