What medicine is best for prickly heat

Demon dispelling heaven and earth Ask questions at 19:11:34 on May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

The prickly heat erupts in a hot environment and tends to occur in wrinkles. It is a densely distributed papule or pneumonia blister. It increases after sweating and improves after the weather turns cold. Generally, calamine lotion and prickly heat powder can be applied externally. Those with obvious itching can take antihistamines orally, such as cetirizine, loratadine, etc. If accompanied by bacterial infection, they can take antibiotics orally. In many cases, after the weather turns cold, the heat rash can gradually subside by itself. Patients should pay attention to keeping the indoor ventilation and cool at ordinary times, dress generously, change clothes frequently, and keep the skin dry and clean.

Demon dispelling heaven and earth 2024-05-27 11:15:56

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