What's wrong with turbid and yellow urine with peculiar smell

Himura Kenshin Ask on April 17, 2024 02:30:22
Recommended answer

The turbid and yellow urine with peculiar smell should be considered to be caused by physiological and pathological reasons. If you drink less water, sweat more, and hold your urine for a long time, it will lead to concentration of urine, resulting in yellow urine color and foul smell of urine. If you eat food or medicine containing yellow pigment, this situation will also lead to turbid and yellow urine. If there is a urinary system infection, it will cause the epithelial tissue to fall off, and there are white cells and red cells in the urine, which will cause the urine to be turbid, yellow and smelly.

Himura Kenshin 2024-04-22 12:00:18

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