What to do with dyspnea in the third trimester

Thank you for your experience Ask on 2024-06-21 00:33:20
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When expectant mothers arrive at the late stage of pregnancy, their bodies are prone to various problems. The typical one is dyspnea, which is often out of breath. This not only has a great impact on pregnant women, but the key is fear of hurting the children in their belly. So, what about dyspnea in the third trimester? Now let's take a detailed look at the solution.

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the height of the penis can reach 24~27cm. At this time, your stomach will be squeezed and jacked up, and your breathing will be more difficult than before. How to change or alleviate this situation depends on your strong perseverance and positive attitude.

1. Change your posture: once you feel out of breath, change your posture immediately to make your breath smoother.

2. Slow down: If you find that you are out of breath when doing something or exercising, slow down immediately. At this time, listen to the signals from your body and master the rhythm of the movement until you feel comfortable.

3. Relax your lungs: Don't always be paralyzed on the couch, because your lungs are not easy. You can sit upright on the seat, with your chest straight and shoulders back, to relax your lungs.

4. Don't be lazy: Regular exercise can increase the efficiency of the respiratory system and circulatory system.

5. Adjust the sleeping position: when sleeping, you can take the semi lying position, that is, the pillow pad is high (two pillows), lie on the left side, curl up the right leg, put two pillows under the right leg, and then put a pillow on the back. Sleep comfortably, and breathe more smoothly.

6. Convert abdominal breathing to chest breathing at any time:

When deep abdominal breathing makes you feel difficult, try to use breathing exercises to raise your chest and promote chest breathing——

Stand up → take a deep breath, and at the same time extend both arms outward first and then lift them upward → exhale slowly, and put both arms back to both sides of the body at the same time → cooperate with breathing, and lift the head up and look down.

The above is an introduction to how to deal with dyspnea in the third trimester of pregnancy. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's understanding. There are many factors that cause dyspnea in the third trimester. When this happens, these measures can be taken to alleviate it, and the effect is usually very good. However, if the situation is serious, we must go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time to avoid causing greater harm.

Thank you for your experience 2024-06-24 11:26:06

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