How to treat herpes on the mouth

Sakura of Fog Island Ask questions on 2024-44-15 20:44:26
Recommended answer

If herpes appears on the mouth, first of all, you should strengthen your resistance, pay attention to rest, eat a balanced diet, and avoid staying up late. Herpes is due to the decline of its own resistance, the virus has the opportunity to invade into the body for external use of antiviral drugs. Acyclovir cream, interferon ointment, etc. can be selected to quickly alleviate local symptoms. For patients with serious illness, it can be combined with antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir tablets for oral use, or intravenous injection of such drugs. The resistance decreases obviously, and can be added with immune regulators, which can enhance the antiviral ability of the human body and shorten the disease condition. It can also be combined with some physical therapy, such as laser irradiation treatment. The above methods can shorten the condition of herpes and relieve pain.

Sakura of Fog Island 2024-04-22 12:08:00

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