What can I do to eliminate kidney stones

Lonely arrow Ask questions at 05:31:59, May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Exercise can promote the excretion of stones, but it can not eliminate kidney stones. After the formation of kidney stones, they can not be eliminated. However, stones can be broken by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy or laser to reduce the size of stones, which is easier to enter the bladder and expel the urethra through the ureter. Gravitational stone removal can be increased during exercise, but if the stone enters the ureter, it can be increased or promoted by jumping or jumping, skipping rope, etc. If the stone is located in the lower calyx of the kidney, it is necessary to consider handstand to promote the stone to be discharged from the ureter and out of the body. At the same time, it is necessary to help drink a lot of water and urinate, so that the urine can wash away the stone and promote the stone to be discharged out of the body. In addition, it can assist in stone removal drugs, such as potassium sodium bicitrate particles, or stones with pure uric acid can take drugs such as allopurinol tablets to promote the dissolution or excretion of stones.

Lonely arrow 2024-06-03 12:24:32

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