What medicine to take for acne

Come here to have a chat Ask questions on May 17, 2024-13:01:02
Recommended answer

The cause of acne should also be determined according to the characteristics and condition of the skin lesions. Acne is a common name for acne. It is a chronic inflammation of sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It is often caused by excessive secretion of sebum, blocking pores and secondary infection. The causes of acne are mainly related to the increase of androgen secretion, hyperkeratosis of sebaceous glands and hair follicles, propionibacterium acnes infection and secondary inflammatory reaction. If it is caused by the increase of androgen secretion, the endocrine should be actively adjusted. You can take Diane-35 orally. If it is caused by secondary infection, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as doxycycline and minocycline orally. If it is caused by hyperkeratosis, you should take orally retinoic acid drugs, such as isotretinoic acid capsules, viaminate capsules, etc.

Come here to have a chat 2024-05-20 11:39:04

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