What are the early symptoms of chronic renal failure

Yearning for the flying of eagle Ask questions on 2024-05-16 10:55:27
Recommended answer

The early symptoms of chronic renal failure include two aspects: first, the symptoms of the primary disease; The second is digestive system symptoms and blood system symptoms. The primary symptoms depend on the condition of the primary disease. If the patient has hypertensive kidney damage, the patient only shows that the blood pressure is difficult to control and edema; If the patient is a nephrotic syndrome, it shows severe edema, even pleural and peritoneal effusion; If the patient has nephrotic syndrome caused by diabetic nephropathy, the symptoms are very prominent, mainly stubborn hypertension and chronic heart failure. The early symptoms of chronic renal failure mainly include digestive system symptoms, such as anorexia, nausea, abdominal distension, vomiting in severe cases, followed by blood system symptoms, such as fatigue, anemia, palpitations, panic, etc.

Yearning for the flying of eagle 2024-05-20 11:32:55

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