How to find out kidney deficiency

Middle age used to be old age Ask on 2024-04-22 22:22:04
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Kidney deficiency is not detected by instruments or blood or urine tests, but is determined by TCM according to patients' symptoms, tongue and pulse differentiation. Kidney deficiency is mainly reflected in the abnormalities of growth and development, reproductive function, and water metabolism, including kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, kidney qi deficiency, and kidney qi deficiency. The common point of kidney deficiency is that the waist and knees are weak and tired. Kidney yang deficiency: impotence, infertility, diarrhea at the fifth hour, cold shape, cold limbs, edema; Kidney yin deficiency: premature ejaculation of ejaculation, lack of semen, amenorrhea, dry urine, insomnia, dreaminess, hot flashes, night sweats, dry throat, red cheeks; Deficiency of kidney essence: lack of essence and infertility, amenorrhea and infertility, flaccidity and weakness, hair loss and teeth shaking, forgetfulness and tinnitus, slow movement, foot flaccidity and weakness, mental dullness; Unsolicited kidney qi: premature ejaculation due to semen slippage, multiple bands, fetal slippage, frequent and clear urination, endless residual water, enuresis incontinence, excessive nocturnal urination, fatigue and tinnitus; Kidney does not accept breath: shortness of breath, breathing more, breathing less, breathing with movement, spontaneous sweating, low and timid voice.

Middle age used to be old age 2024-04-28 17:54:37

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