What is the cause of male right kidney pain

Looking for a bosom friend Ask on 2024-04-19 02:29:13
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Male right kidney is painful, which may be a lesion of the right kidney. For example, right kidney stones, hydronephrosis, kidney tumors, and kidney trauma may cause pain. Other diseases around the kidney, such as lumbar disc herniation and lumbar muscle strain, may be considered as kidney pain. After pain occurs, relevant examinations need to be performed for diagnosis, such as kidney color ultrasound, urine routine, renal function, lumbar CT, etc., and the cause can be determined only after the condition is identified. After the examination is clear, the corresponding treatment shall be carried out according to the pathological changes. Patients with pain in the kidney area should avoid overwork and use of drugs that may damage the kidney.

Looking for a bosom friend 2024-04-28 11:11:30

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