How to deal with frequent hair loss

It's worth living Ask questions at 19:57:08, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

Hair loss is not a disease if it is not serious. Normal people lose dozens of hair every day, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. If one or two hundred hair drops after washing, it is also normal. Don't cause excessive tension. If you often lose hair, you should look for the reason. It may be seborrheic alopecia, which is generally related to the increase of sebaceous gland secretion of the skin in adolescence and the blockage of hair follicle pores, which is easy to cause hair loss of hair follicles. In addition, postpartum patients who are weak, tired, have tumors of the internal organs of the whole body, or undergo chemotherapy will cause a large amount of hair loss. If it is a large amount of shedding, it is necessary to find the reason. If hair loss is caused by visceral tumors, it is necessary to actively treat the primary disease. If there is no other reason, just seborrheic alopecia, and the alopecia is not severe, then there is no need for treatment. If you feel that hair loss is severe and more than 100 hairs are lost every day when you do not wash your hair, you may need to be treated. There are many external and oral drugs for treatment, including compound cystine tablets and vitamin B1 tablets. Local external medication includes minoxidil solution and hair tonic, which can reduce hair loss.

It's worth living 2024-06-03 12:40:26

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