What's wrong with the itchy buttocks after using hemorrhoid cream

Precipitation of years Ask questions on April 18, 2024:45:45
Recommended answer

After using hemorrhoid cream, if the buttocks itch occurs, the first thing to consider is that the patient has allergy to hemorrhoid cream. Some hemorrhoids creams contain heat clearing and moisture removing ingredients, which can stimulate the skin around the anus and cause itching. If the patient can tolerate it, there is generally no need to do too much treatment. If the itching is intolerable, the patient should be advised to clean the hemorrhoid cream in time, and warm water can be used to clean the anus. After cleaning, if the itching symptom does not improve significantly, or even eczema is formed, anti allergy drugs can be used for symptomatic treatment. The local area of the anus can be smeared with ointment containing glucocorticoids. In addition, oral anti allergy drugs can be used for symptomatic treatment. At the same time, attention should be paid to the protection of the local area of the anus, and loose cotton underwear should be worn as far as possible.

Precipitation of years 2024-04-22 12:07:11

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