What harm does smoking do to pregnant women

Obsessed with old dreams Ask on 2024-06-21 21:38:37
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It must be known to all that smoking is harmful to health. Although there is no problem in a short period of time, the damage to the body slowly appears after a long time. Smoking is even more harmful to pregnant women, because the baby in the belly is very vulnerable, and the damage caused by harmful substances outside is unimaginable. What harm does smoking do to pregnant women? Let's take you to know today.

Pregnant women smoking not only causes great harm to the fetus, but also is very harmful to their own health. It has been reported that the incidence of complications such as placental abruption, bleeding, and early water breakthrough in pregnant women who smoke during labor is 1 to 2 times higher than that in normal pregnant women.

In addition to the above indirect effects on the fetus, smoking in pregnant women has a direct effect on the fetus. Smoking can accelerate the fetal heart rate and reduce respiratory movement. Nicotine and other toxic substances in the smoke can also penetrate into the placenta through the blood, deliver to the fetus, and even cause damage to the imperfect organs.

According to the research, smoking is very harmful to pregnant women, not only to the health of mothers, but also to the health of babies. The harm caused by smoking to pregnant women and babies includes: * delivery, premature delivery, infant death, congenital mental retardation of babies, etc. According to the research, smoking is very harmful to pregnant women, not only to the health of mothers, but also to the health of babies. The harm caused by smoking to pregnant women and babies includes: * delivery, premature delivery, infant death, congenital mental retardation of babies, etc. If pregnant women have the habit of smoking, it will cause the following injuries.

1. Inadequate placental blood supply increases the incidence of labor, premature delivery and stillbirth.

2. Long term hypoxia of the fetus may cause intrauterine distress and lead to postnatal low intelligence.

3. The fetus is prone to hyperactivity disorder after birth.

4. The fetus has small lungs, postnatal pulmonary insufficiency and poor exercise.

5. Intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus results in low birth weight of the newborn, which is 150 to 200 grams lighter than that of the nonsmokers.

6. The incidence of congenital heart disease is 2 times higher than that of non-smokers.

7. It is easy to induce pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome, which seriously endangers the life of mother and child.

8. High nicotine content in milk can cause restlessness of newborns. Nicotine in tobacco not only damages the quality of breast milk, but also inhibits postpartum milk secretion.

Through the above introduction, we believe that you have known how harmful smoking is to pregnant women. For the safety of the baby's life, for his safe and happy growth, whether it is pregnant women themselves or nearby people, I hope you can stay away from pregnant women when you smoke. For the children and for his future.

Obsessed with old dreams 2024-06-24 11:25:50

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