How to deal with children's drug allergy rash

Swallows are long without trace Ask questions at 10:05:15, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Children's drug allergic dermatitis is called drug eruption, which is divided into mild, moderate and severe. For mild cases that only show erythema on the skin and have not accumulated to the visceral system, they can be treated with oral anti allergic drugs, and stop taking such drugs. Drinking plenty of water can cure them. In case of severe drug allergy, erosion of oral mucosa and external genitalia, abdominal pain and liver and kidney function damage, the child should be sent to the hospital in time to seek medical treatment in time to avoid delaying the condition or even endangering life. Hormone drugs and anti allergy treatment can be selected for treatment. If the condition is serious, gamma globulin should be used for treatment.

Swallows are long without trace 2024-04-28 11:12:49

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