Can compound metronidazole vaginal suppository treat mycotic vaginitis

Dragon of Imperial Phoenix Ask on 2024-06-02 13:27:11
Recommended answer

Compound metronidazole vaginal suppository can treat mycotic vaginitis. In addition to treating mycotic vaginitis, the compound metronidazole vaginal suppository has a very good effect on trichomonal vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, senile vaginitis and non-specific vaginitis. Its main component is metronidazole, which has a strong antibacterial effect on most anaerobic bacteria, but has no effect on aerobic bacteria. There are some precautions during taking medicine, such as persuading people not to drink alcohol and try not to eat raw, cold and spicy food. It is also normal that some granular substances will be discharged after taking medicine.

Dragon of Imperial Phoenix 2024-06-03 12:22:09

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