What symptoms are most likely to appear during menstruation?

thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene Ask questions on 2024-06-22 00:25:20
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When women come to the moon, it's not just stomachache. Clinically, some diseases are inextricably linked with women's physiological cycle, and they often come uninvited with the month.

One is cystic hyperplasia of breast. Due to the decrease of progesterone secretion from corpus luteum during menstruation and the relative increase of estrogen, benign hyperplasia of breast stroma or lobule will occur, so before or during menstruation, one or both sides of the r-atrium will be distended and painful, and sometimes lumps of different sizes can be felt. This kind of mass increases during menstruation, the pain disappears after menstruation, and the mass shrinks without special treatment. However, attention should be paid to the R atrial mass in non monthly stage, and the patient should be sent to the hospital in time.

Erzi * endometriosis cyst. Some adolescent girls usually have pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated menstruation and more menstruation. This is because the ectopic endometrium does not pass out of the body smoothly with the periodic monthly tide, but it reversely passes through the fallopian tube into the abdominal cavity, silting up in the pelvis and abdominal cavity, resulting in lower abdominal pain. If unmarried women find that the monthly dose is too high and often accompanied by lower abdominal pain, it is better to go to the hospital for gynecological examination.

Three toothache. Periodontal toothache is first due to the large changes in estrogen levels before and after menstruation. Estrogen can stimulate special receptors in the gingival tissue, causing dental pulp and periodontal ligament blood vessels to expand, congestion and swelling, and then pressing the pain nerve endings to induce toothache. Secondly, pelvic congestion or congestion will also occur during the month, which can reflexively cause periodontal blood circulation disorders through nerve and body fluid regulation. It is recommended not to eat raw, cold, overheated, hard, coarse and spicy food during this period. When toothache is obvious, take compound vitamin B orally to relieve the pain. In addition, tooth extraction is not allowed during month *.

Four joints ache. Before and after menstruation, some women will feel dull pain in their fingers and knees. This is because the hormone level in the female body has changed significantly in the early months of the month, and the uncoordinated secretion of estrogen and aldosterone has caused the retention of water and salt. This will make the fat pad in the knee joint swell, and then press the nerve endings, causing pain. Women in this situation can take some symptomatic drugs, such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc.

Angina pectoris. This phenomenon, called "angina pectoris in the moon", was discovered by researchers at St Thomas Hospital in London. The study found that women are prone to heart pain in the month or the first week after menstruation; The period when heart pain is least likely to occur is the middle of the lunar cycle. For women with angina pectoris symptoms for months, it is recommended to prepare heart disease drugs in the month, pay attention to reducing strenuous activities, avoid fatigue, and ensure adequate sleep.

thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene 2024-06-24 11:14:11

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