Efficacy of testosterone undecanoate capsules

Drowning in the deep sea Ask on 2024-05-17 23:21:38
Recommended answer

Testosterone undecanoate capsule is an androgen drug, which can promote male growth, the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, testes and accessory gonad structures, promote protein synthesis and reduce decomposition, enhance immune function and promote bone growth. In addition, it can promote red blood cell growth, feedback inhibit gonadotropin secretion, and inhibit estrogen secretion. It is mainly used for primary or secondary testicular dysfunction, the delay of physical puberty in boys, palliative treatment of breast cancer metastasis, auxiliary treatment of aplastic anemia, androgen deficiency syndrome in some middle-aged and elderly people, and also for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The method of medication must be used under the guidance of a specialist. The starting dose is 120 to 160 mg per day. After two weeks of medication, 40 to 120 mg per day can be used. This maintenance dose should be taken twice in the morning and evening. Long term use in children can lead to premature puberty, premature bone closure, and affect growth and development, so it should be used with caution.

Drowning in the deep sea 2024-05-20 11:37:24

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