How to eliminate long neck lymph nodes

Time passes Ask questions at 09:41:20, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

A long neck lymph node is an enlarged neck lymph node. The common causes are infectious inflammation and hyperplasia, such as respiratory tract infection, oral cavity, gum, tooth infection, etc. Or cervical lymph node tuberculosis, or even metastatic tumor lymph nodes, such as respiratory tract or digestive tract tumor metastasis to cervical lymph nodes. Therefore, how to eliminate the long neck lymph nodes depends on the specific situation. If it is inflammatory lymph node hyperplasia caused by infection, it can be eliminated or reduced after antibiotic anti infection treatment. Tuberculous lymph node hyperplasia needs anti tuberculosis treatment. If it is a metastatic tumor, it is generally in the late stage and needs palliative treatment.

Time passes 2024-04-22 12:10:32

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