What to do when your heart rate is low at 25

Dream predestination Ask questions at 13:56:43 on April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The low heart rate at the age of 25 may be caused by poor heart function, which can be adjusted by drugs. For example, Xinganbao capsule can improve the heart rate. If the low heart rate is caused by arteriosclerosis, you can use traditional Chinese medicine to improve it, so as to increase the blood supply to the heart. You should also focus on light diet at ordinary times, and not always eat greasy and stimulating food, This will make the symptoms of low heart rate more serious. The problem of low heart rate has not been solved in time, and chest tightness and other symptoms are likely to occur, which will affect daily life. Therefore, correct methods should be used to actively treat it.

Dream predestination 2024-04-28 11:17:37

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