Efficacy and Function of Processed Poncirus aurantium

Listen to happiness Ask questions at 12:35:51, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Fructus aurantii is bitter, pungent, sour and warm. Fructus aurantii belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. The roasted fructus aurantii has the functions of broadening the middle, regulating qi, promoting qi, and reducing inflation. It is used for the qi stagnation of chest and hypochondrium, and the clinical manifestations of fullness and pain of chest and hypochondrium. In addition, it can also be used to reduce food accumulation. When food is not digested, it accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract. Poncirus aurantium plays a role in promoting intestinal peristalsis and reducing food consumption. Fructus Aurantii can treat the symptoms of phlegm retention in the inner court, abdominal cavity stuffiness, cough and asthma. Fructus aurantii has the function of promoting yang, and can be used to treat gastroptosis, prolapse of anus, and even to treat organ prolapse such as uterine prolapse.

Listen to happiness 2024-05-20 11:31:07

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