How to deal with a cough with phlegm after a cold

This feeling is worth recalling Ask on April 17, 2024 17:13:36
Recommended answer

After other symptoms of the cold patients have improved, they still have cough and sputum. Such patients should first pay attention to active symptomatic treatment. Patients with cough and expectoration can be treated with Shedan Chuanbei Liquid and other drugs to relieve symptoms of cough and expectoration. If the patient's sputum is relatively thick, drugs such as ambroxol should be used for treatment to dilute the sputum and promote its excretion. If the symptoms do not improve significantly after medication, you need to go to the hospital to check blood routine, C-reactive protein, chest X-ray or chest CT to make a clear diagnosis, and actively treat under the guidance of the doctor. In addition, patients with colds and coughs should also pay attention to develop good eating habits, avoid eating spicy and stimulating food, avoid drinking alcohol, eat more fresh and digestible food, properly strengthen nutrition, and promote the recovery of colds. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

This feeling is worth recalling 2024-04-22 11:55:52

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