What is the pain, redness and swelling of the outer corner of the eye

Remaining sound Ask on 2024-04-20 03:19:37
Recommended answer

The swelling and pain of the outer corner of the eye are mostly caused by inflammation and infection, and the more common one is styloma, which is also called blepharitis. Eyelid adenitis is an acute suppurative inflammation of the eyelid gland, initially manifested as redness, swelling and tenderness of the eyelid. The corresponding palpebral conjunctiva is congested, and gradually develops into local bulges and palpable induration. Further development of the disease can form abscess and ulceration, which requires surgical incision and drainage. Attention must be paid to the swelling and pain of the outer corner of the eye. Anti inflammatory treatment should be carried out in time to shorten the course of the disease and let the swelling subside early.

Remaining sound 2024-04-28 11:10:29

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