What tonic should people with poor lungs take

Arisaema Ask on 2024-05-27 20:33:58
Recommended answer

People with poor lungs can eat some cordyceps, or Chinese patent medicines with cordyceps as the main ingredient, such as Bailing capsule and Jinshuibao capsule. Because cordyceps has the effect of nourishing the lungs, improving the status of the lungs, and improving the immunity of the body. People with poor lungs also need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially Sydney, pears, loquats and Sichuan shellfish, which have the function of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and are especially good for the lungs. Patients with poor lungs should drink more water, which can also play a role in moistening the lungs. People with poor lungs should pay attention to quitting smoking, avoid contact with smokers, and avoid dusty environment. Wear a mask when going out. Don't touch too much soot. Exercise properly to avoid fatigue, cold, regular work and rest, and not staying up late.

Arisaema 2024-06-03 12:35:00

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