What medicine to take for kidney deficiency and liver fire hyperactivity

Untroubled ronin Ask on 2024-05-26 04:00:32
Recommended answer

Kidney deficiency and liver fire hyperactivity are the syndromes of deficiency of kidney yin fluid. Most of them are caused by chronic diseases that damage the kidney, or insufficient endowment, excessive sexual intercourse, or excessive use of drugs that warm, dry, and rob Yin. The main manifestations of kidney deficiency and liver fire hyperactivity are dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, emaciation, hot flashes and night sweats, dry throat and cheekbones, yellow urine, dry stool, dry mouth and nose, hot hands and feet, dizziness due to restless heat, panic and insomnia, male yang weakness, spermatorrhea, occasional metrorrhagia, red tongue and less coating, etc. The treatment of kidney deficiency and hyperactivity of fire is mainly to nourish yin, tonify kidney and reduce fire. The Chinese patent medicines available are Zhibai Dihuang Pill, Zuogui Pill, Longdan Xiegan Pill, Qiju Dihuang Pill, etc. The indications and effects of various medicines are slightly different, and they need to be treated by professional doctors according to the symptoms and individual constitution.

Untroubled ronin 2024-05-27 11:19:11

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