What is it like for pregnant women to see red

Love rationally Ask questions at 17:50:56 on June 21, 2024
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What is pregnant women becoming popular? A pregnant woman's popularity is a symbol that she is going to give birth. Generally speaking, if a pregnant woman becomes popular, she will feel pain within 24 hours, and then enter the stage of delivery. But in fact, many pregnant women do not give birth until a few days or even a week after becoming popular, Therefore, the popularity of pregnant women does not accurately indicate the time of delivery of pregnant women.

Although many people have heard of the phenomenon of pregnant women becoming popular, they do not know what it is like to become popular with pregnant women. Today, we are going to talk about the problem of "what it is like to become popular with pregnant women". Let's take a closer look.

When the pregnant woman has arrived at the expected date of delivery and has irregular uterine contractions, she should check whether there are bloody secretions in her shorts in time. Due to great individual differences, the key is to observe its shape, color, quantity, etc. after seeing red, and then judge the delivery time.

Some cases may also cause bleeding. For example, the main symptom of placenta previa is painless repeated bleeding during the third trimester of pregnancy or labor. Hemorrhage is caused by the gradual extension of a segment of the fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy or after labor, the disappearance of the neck canal of the fetus, and the expansion of the neck opening of the fetus, while the placenta attached to the lower segment of the fetus or the neck opening of the fetus cannot be extended accordingly, so that the placenta in the anterior part is detached from its attachment, causing blood vessel rupture, which is not a sign of labor. But generally speaking, the prenatal examination is normal, and there is no abnormal situation at ordinary times. When the due date of delivery comes, and there have been irregular uterine contractions, at this time, if the bleeding mucus in the * channel is found, it is a reliable sign before labor.

If the amount of bleeding in the passage is more than the monthly amount, it should not be considered as a sign of delivery, but whether there are bleeding diseases in the third trimester of pregnancy, such as placenta previa, placental abruption and other diseases.

For many expectant mothers who are pregnant for the first time, they may still lack a certain understanding of the phenomenon. However, if it occurs in the late pregnancy, don't be nervous and flustered. Don't think it is the baby's problem. It may be the phenomenon. In addition, expectant mothers must be careful in their lives and not let their babies get hurt.

Love rationally 2024-06-24 11:26:06

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