What can uremic patients eat to enhance their immunity

Rain in sunny days Ask on 2024-06-02 07:24:53
Recommended answer

The diet of uremic patients should pay attention to the following points: First, we should eat more vegetables and fruits, preferably seasonal vegetables and fruits, and green vegetables and fruits. 2、 Eat less salt. It is recommended that the intake of salt in 24 hours be less than 3g, and try to eat less pickled food and fried food. 3、 High quality low protein diet, high quality low protein refers to lean meat, fish, shrimp, milk, etc., that is, eat two liang lean meat, a packet of milk, two egg whites, one egg yolk, and one prawn every day. At the same time, it is recommended that patients eat a low potassium diet, such as bananas, oranges, agaric, sweet potatoes, and cherry tomatoes, which are all high potassium foods. For patients with oliguria and anuria, it is recommended to control the amount of drinking water. The amount of drinking water on that day is the total amount of urine the day before last plus 600ml.

Rain in sunny days 2024-06-03 12:40:58

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