What is the cause of swollen feet

Bamboo Shadow Breeze Ask questions at 16:07:37, April 23, 2024
Recommended answer

The causes of swollen feet include the following. 1. Erysipelotoxin is an infection of the lymphatic network of the foot, which is mostly secondary to foot beriberi. The bacterial retrograde infection causes foot swelling, accompanied by local redness, swelling, heat, and pain. When the infection is serious, shivering, fever, and elevated white blood cell levels can occur. 2. With renal insufficiency, all kinds of end-stage renal diseases will have hypoproteinemia, water and sodium retention, resulting in foot swelling. 3. Liver cirrhosis, liver failure, such as hepatitis B cirrhosis, hepatitis C cirrhosis, alcoholic cirrhosis, and patients with advanced liver cancer, can cause foot swelling due to the decreased ability of the liver to synthesize albumin and the relatively increased colloid osmotic pressure in the tissue. 4. Arterial thromboangiitis and varicose great saphenous vein can cause foot swelling.

Bamboo Shadow Breeze 2024-04-28 18:09:55

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