What syrup to eat for cold cough

Tears and pharynx are silent Ask questions on 2024-05-19 21:49:17
Recommended answer

You can choose almond cough syrup or platycodon cough syrup for cold cough. The patients with cold cough are caused by exogenous cold. The main symptoms of the patients are cough, sneezing, runny nose, etc. They can choose to use almond cough syrup for treatment. The almond itself is bitter, pungent, and warm. It has the effect of purging the lung, reducing air, relieving cough and relieving asthma, and can be used to treat cough caused by exogenous cold. You can also choose Platycodon grandiflorum cough syrup for treatment, because Platycodon grandiflorum is also bitter, pungent, and slightly warm in nature, which can stop coughing, expectorate, purge the lungs, and discharge pus.

Tears and pharynx are silent 2024-05-20 11:40:31

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